Meghan Lynch started her career in the field of education back in the 1990’s in Bronx, NY. When she was in the classroom, she started to question why the kids with behaviors acted the way they did. She stayed after school with many of them and heard their stories of what was happening at home, which is why school was not their focus, rightfully so.
She pursued her master’s degree in counseling and became a school counselor. While working at a private, college prep high school, she gained great experience and many hours doing family counseling. The family sessions inspired her to get her license in professional counseling, which she has been doing since 2015.
Meghan says, “ I always dreamt I wanted to be a teacher, but then I became one and it didn’t seem right. When I became a counselor, I felt, this is what I am meant to do and I am truly blessed because I love what I do.”
Meghan has had a long journey of twists and turns in her personal life that has given her great life experience to help others. She has tested many faiths and theories but it all lead her back to her belief in God. While God is a grounding source in her life, she doesn’t discuss it unless the clients are open to it. Her belief in God is summed up by God is love and love is God and when we are connected to the source, the vine, our branches grow spiritual fruit….