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I try to practice what I preach. One area I thought I did, but my heart told me otherwise, was forgiving. I mediate and spend time with God every morning. And my morning devotion quote was, ” In the same way you judge others, you will be judged.” I never really thought much of this, but had an A HA moment of why was I having such a hard time forgiving someone? And then, this quote was like a punch to the gut….I was judging. I was judging the person for not reacting or not making choices that I thought were smart or I would’ve done. But that’s the point right? They are not us…..that’s why it is so hard to forgive. We want them to change, we want them to acknowledge they were wrong, but in reality, our perceptions are our truths. It doesn’t mean it’s the truth, but it’s our truth. They may not even be aware or feel the way we do, hence it doesn’t matter to them. It is letting go of the expectation we have of people changing or admitting they were wrong, when they might not see anything the way we do. This is why it is so hard. Let go of the judgement, let go of the expectations and forgiveness will come. It frees you….not them.

12 steps can help overcome any addiction/affliction

April 24, 2023

Read the 12 steps pertaining to anything you feel you don’t have control over

Step 1: We admitted we are powerless over______( food, sex, drugs, alcohol, television, anger, unhealthy relationships or people—fill in the blank)

and it has impacted our lives for the negative.

Step 2: Came to believe that a power created than ourselves could restore us us to sanity.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. Sound familiar? No thing changes, if nothing changes.

Step 3: Finally surrender ( our will ) to the higher being ( God) as we understood him.

Stop trying to do things your way ( is it working?) and realize, I need help and I am willing to surrender to you God and learn what it means to truly say and mean the serenity prayer.

Step 4: Ask for forgiveness from God and others ( repent) for any bad choices we’ve made or actions we did that could have hurt others when we were hurting.

Step 5: Be real and be really honest with God, yourself and others where you have been wrong.

Step 6: Ready to change. We are ready to put the old self to rest and become new. We are ready to have God remove the defects and strive for better and new versions of ourselves.

Step 7: Humble yourself. Be real. Go to God when you mess up and ask him for help to be better. Your human, we will mess up everyday, but it’s being self aware and strong enough to admit that and then strive to be better each day with God’s help.

Step 8: Journal. Journal anyone you may have hurt or offended.

Step 9: Make amends

Step 10: Continue self awareness- Journal. Admit when you’re wrong. Ask what could I do better?

Step 11: Pray and Meditate. Meditation is proven to show change in brain chemistry to help allevaite stress, anxiety and help self regulate ( control your feelings.) The best prayer to God is to pray for what you are thankful for each day. It can be as simple as thank you that I woke up today. Thank you for the ability to read or walk or see….

Step 12: Pay it forward.

Try to help others. Hopefully putting these steps in practice has changed you and then you have the ability to feel blessed and want to spread blessings to others.

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